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In Ephesians 5:32, the apostle Paul refers to the concept of "the Bride of Christ" as a great mystery. This mystery is explained in this book in the most revelatory way. According to the book of Genesis, both the male and female human beings are made in the image and likeness of God. It is easy to understand that both male and female are made in the image of God, which means they both reflect God's characteristics. However, it is not as straightforward as to why the female physical form is in the likeness of God. This is explained in this book. The revelations explained will make you realize the sacredness of the divine masculine characteristics reflected by men, and the divine feminine traits reflected by women. In some cultures, men are put down. In other cultures, women are looked down upon. Putting down men or women is playing into Satan's hands to mock the image of God. How could any part of God be inferior? Every part of God and everything about Him is infinite and infinitely honorable. Among other concepts discussed in this book are "the Power of Feminine Wisdom," "Building God's Home," "the Roles of Masculinity and Femininity in Marriage," "Completing the Glory Spectrum in the Family," "Women in Ministry," and "The Valley of the shadow of Death".