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Live every day like a victorious warrior!
Through this unique daily interactive experience, you will become spiritually alive and successfully operate in the supernatural. Welcome to a lifestyle of deep revelation!
Lion Bitesis a daily prophetic "call to arms!" Jesus, who scripture calls the Lion of Judah, wants you to be a Holy Spirit-filled warrior, equipped to destroy strongholds of darkness with senses that are highly tuned, trained, alert, and ultra-sensitized to the Spirit's every move.
Carrying the full weight of Scripture and God's rhema word, these 365 prophetic words bring you into new dimensions of revelation that, when applied, will produce victory in your everyday life! Every day includes an action, a prayer, or a decree, bringing you into Heavenly experiences that will shift you into a true heart-to-heart connection with God.
You will feel mentored by this seasoned team of prophets, teachers and seers, as they spiritually activate you and train you in a new way of life where spiritual encounters with the Lord are normal.
Spend every day in this life-changing devotional book, and hear the Lion ofJudah roaring victory over your life!