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Signs & Focus
I have made you the focus of MY plans to declare what I AM saying to those that I’M speaking. I want to give them the opportunity to hear and accept or reject MY offer. They’re like road signs in their path to instruct them. There is still much work to do.
I have given you the power to speak MY word and to do what you’ve been given authority to do that I may confirm and perform your words. There is a great shift of power coming, both in the church and in the governments of the world. During this shift, there will be many in dry and desolate places. This is happening on a natural level as well as spiritual. But, I’M moving MY ministers in place to bring provisions for these conditions.
Each day, I greet you with MY unconditional love with messages. You are MY beloved.
Unusual Channels ^^
Hear the words that I speak to you through unusual channels. I’M notifying you of things concerning MY plans, though you may not hear your name spoken. I send them in places you frequent. Much of what I say is to warn you of hazards ahead.
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Behind the Curtain
The changes that are taking place around the nation may not be obvious at the moment. I’M doing the work behind the curtain to fulfill Isaiah’s 22 prophecy. When it is complete, it will be clear to everyone.
Death to the current regime will be an eventual reality. I will raise MY leaders in position. Victory is already in hand. The powers that be will realize what they did once the evidence is presented. I AM the LORD. There is no other!
I will make a visual, detailed description available of all that I have revealed to the prophets as the work to expose what are at the roots is complete. The whole world will know what was done!