Numerical prophecy:
Is not MY word like as a fire? says the LORD; and as a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?
Whatever I send MY word to accomplish, it shall be established. Like a flame that spreads into a consumption, so MY words shall spread and overtake those who I pursue. MY words will also break strongholds and deliver from bondage. Some things will be broken with one swing; other times it will take many swings to break. But, it will be broken!
The prophets I have had hidden and fed in secret, are coming out of their caves. They have been tried in the wilderness; they have been built up in the desert; they have been fed by the LORD. They will bring MY words! They shall speak and rocks shall break! They will seriously impact the regions where I send them. Again, they shall seek a vision from MY prophets as I have it written in MY word, in Ezekiel 7:26.
I have called you to deliver MY word from the the summit of the mountain of the LORD.
For this purpose, and for promotion to take place, it is necessary to shed everything that has you tied to this world.
I will provide! But, MY provisions have no connections to this world. Climate change is but an effect of ME changing the spiritual temperature. It’s not warm enough to be comfortable and not cold enough to preserve your goods. I AM making you uncomfortable so that you may not think to preserve with material things and continue in ungodly ways.
I AM going after many who have gone “south of the border.” To change their direction, that they may repent and turn around. Many will listen and avoid the pit ahead of them.
There are foreigners within your borders who are lying in wait to surprise you. But, as I have already assured you many times, I have given MY angels charge to protect and guard your way. I will make a spectacle of your enemies! They are also MY enemies and they will be confused and scattered. Do Not think these events hidden from ME. I laid the foundation for these days long ago in preparation for what I would do to them. I have given you residence in the place where you can see MY glory on display and your enemies routed, says the LORD.
Do you think that you will do this work without reward? You will have a prophets reward!
You are MY beloved. The actions you take are proof of your faith and I am arrested of them that diligently seek ME.
It is by your words I shall awaken many. I have shaken you out of slumber; you will now will awaken them. And, I will confirm your words and perform your counsel by fire.